12-13-14 May 2023
By Stephen O’Malley
at the alignements and town of Carnac

Kali Malone
François J. Bonnet
Eyvind Kang & Jessika Kenney
Raven Chacon
Timothy Archambault
Macadam Ensemble
Jean-Marie Nivaigne & l'ensemble des serpents

Full schedule

YOU ORIGIN. at Carnac, Stephen O’Malley

Tickets available now

12-13-14 May 2023
By Stephen O’Malley
at the alignements and town of Carnac

Kali Malone
François J. Bonnet
Eyvind Kang & Jessika Kenney
Raven Chacon
Timothy Archambault
Macadam Ensemble
Jean-Marie Nivaigne & l'ensemble des serpents

You origin is a series of concerts and musical interventions proposed by the American musician Stephen O'Malley for the Alignments of Carnac in Bretagne, France.

You origin is an invitation to explore the megalithic alignments of Carnac through music and sound, to feel their mystery and the delicacy of the landscape in which they are inscribed, to contemplate the passage of time, the variations of light on the stones and to experience themovement of sound in this extraordinary environment. The programme, which is largely acoustic, is designed for specific times of the day and night, among the menhirs but also in the church of Saint-Cornély and the chapel of Kergroix. It brings together, around Stephen O'Malley, the artists Kali Malone, Jessika Kenney and Eyvind Kang, Raven Chacon, Timothy Archambault, François Bonnet, Macadam ensemble and the ensemble Alponom. Several musical works and interventions specially composed by Stephen O'Malley for the Carnac site will be created for the occasion.

The alignments of Carnac bring together thousands of menhirs in a single pointillist movement straight from the dawn of the Neolithic. These great stone serpents cross the landscape from one side to the other, and come to life with the dawn. The presence of the concept of time is evident, an immobile presence. The attempt to time the world is perceptible in the air, almost tangible. As the day progresses, the colour of the menhirs changes imperceptibly. Despite their six thousand years of petrification, they move back and forth in a matter of minutes. This mystery deeply disturbs anyone who witnesses it. A mystery that excites the imagination. A mystery that reduces to hypothesis any attempt at an answer, a conclusion or a definition. And it keeps bringing us back to the fundamental questions of WHO, WHY and WHEN. In the end, it is the land and the ocean that have taken over the site and its use. All that remains are five jade axes, an engraving of five snakes and those three thousand menhirs embroidering the landscape in the symmetry and geometry of their long, imperfect footprints.

–Stephen O’Malley

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Co-founder of the emblematic and artistic drone metal group SUNN O))), and a long-standing figure in the experimental music scene, Stephen O'Malley composes long, microtonal, physical sound pieces whose saturated density of sound inspired by dhrupad, raga and various drone instruments, such as alpenhorns or bagpipes, is reduced to its most elemental and minimalist essence. Wildly prolific, Stephen O'Malley's work is defined by its breadth, complexity and interdisciplinarity.

Produced by Ideologic Organ Music
(in association with PLATÔ, Manille and Treizeseize)
A project financed by the programme of support for artistic creation Mondes nouveaux implemented by the Ministry of Culture within the framework of France Relance, in collaboration with the Centre des monuments nationaux site de Carnac, with the support of the Conseil départemental du Morbihan, in partnership with Hydrophone, musiques d'aujourd'hui au Pays de Lorient - L'Échonova, lieu de musiques actuelles Golfe du Morbihan-Vannes Agglomération, La Ville de Carnac, Le Diocèse de Vannes.

contact: info@ideologic.org